School Programs
At Camp Allegheny, we encourage all guests to develop a greater appreciation for the wonders of nature, teach guests how to observe, discover, and process information through outdoor experiences, and help guests understand and take responsibility for their role in preserving natural resources for the next generation. In addition, we have numerous resources to help students learn to work together, communicate in positive ways and challenge their critical thinking skills.
ONe-Day Field Trips
Opportunities are available for all ages – preschool, elementary, middle school, high school and adults, in every season. Our staff will assist you in selecting from our Outdoor Education Curriculum, Recreation, and Adventure activities to create an exciting, age appropriate experience. Experience our Group Challenge course, climb our indoor climbing wall, visit our goats, sheep, donkeys, or ponies, go on a nature hike, do a craft and so much more. You can bring your own bag lunch to eat outdoors or request a hot meal served in our dining hall.
*Rates vary according to how much/how little staff support you require. Contact us for more information.